Notch Notch
Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
 Light | Dark
Ambient Light

Ambient Light

Updated: 4 Dec 2023

Add a light that applies to all surfaces equally.



Method #

This node emits a uniform light onto every surface in the scene. Useful for adding a little bit global illumination by raising the lowest levels of brightness in a scene.

This is a great tool for adding light to dark and shadowed areas.

All nodes connected to this node are treated as if flowing to the parent node, and inherits any transformation changes along the chain.


These properties control the 3D transforms of the node. Transforms will generally be inherited by child nodes, although they can be ignored through the Inherit Transform Channels attributes.

Position XThe objects position along the local x-axis.
Position YThe objects position along the local y-axis.
Position ZThe objects position along the local z-axis.
Rotation HeadingThe objects rotation around the local y-axis.
Rotation PitchThe objects rotation around the local x-axis.
Rotation BankThe objects rotation around the local z-axis.
Scale XThe objects scale along the local x-axis.
Scale YThe objects scale along the local y-axis.
Scale ZThe objects scale along the local z-axis.

Control the inheritance of the transforms from the parent.

PositionToggle inheritance of the Position from the parent.
RotationToggle inheritance of the Rotation from the parent.
ScaleToggle inheritance of the Scale from the parent.
World Position OnlyInherit the world position from the parent only, rotation and scale will be ignored. Overrides above properties.
Inherit TimeToggle inheritance of time from the parent.

These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

ColourThe colour of the light.
BrightnessHow bright the light is.
Scattering IntensityHow much the light is scattered by the light, creating a simple fog around it.
Falloff ModeChange how the light falloff is calculated.
  • Inner / Outer Radius (Legacy) : light falloff is calculated between the inner and outer radii.
  • Inv-Squared Distance (Physical) : the light falloff is calculated based on a physically accurate system.
Inner Attenuation DistanceInner distance within which the light remains at full strength
Attenuation DistanceMaximum distance the light reaches.
Falloff PowerChange how strong the falloff for the light is between the Inner Attenuation Distance and the Attenuation Distance.
Show Light ConeShow a cone in the scene to represent the lights current position and rotation.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
Projection ImageAdd in an image to be projected by the light. Only functions with deferred rendering enabled. Useful for adding gobos to lights, or making a simple projector light.Loader
Affected NodesChoose which nodes are affected by the light node. by default, all are affected.3D Object
Texture Projection NodeControls the direction the image is projected from, independant of the light. Only functions if an image is being projected from the light.Null
Multi-Source ControllerDepreciated feature.
Transform ModifiersApply the transforms of another node to this node.Null
Target NodeModifiy the rotations of the node to always direct the z axis towards the input.Null
Local Transform OverrideApply the transforms of another node to this node, relative to its parent.Null