Render To Object Surface
Updated: 2 Oct 2024
Apply the field to the surface of geometry.Updated: 2 Oct 2024
Apply the field to the surface of geometry.The field is sampled spatially on to the surfaces of visible 3D objects. This is useful for generating fluid effects onto nearby surfaces, and because its volumetric, the generated effect can be applied to the UV map of the 3D object, and rendered out with the UV Camera.
The Render to Object Surface node should be parented to the Field 3D Root node.
This node will not function with the default or Standard Renderer. Consider using the Hybrid Renderer or greater.
These properties control the 3D transforms of the node. Transforms will generally be inherited by child nodes, although they can be ignored through the Inherit Transform Channels attributes.
Parameter | Details |
Position X | The objects position along the local x-axis. |
Position Y | The objects position along the local y-axis. |
Position Z | The objects position along the local z-axis. |
Rotation Heading | The objects rotation around the local y-axis. |
Rotation Pitch | The objects rotation around the local x-axis. |
Rotation Bank | The objects rotation around the local z-axis. |
Scale X | The objects scale along the local x-axis. |
Scale Y | The objects scale along the local y-axis. |
Scale Z | The objects scale along the local z-axis. |
Control the inheritance of the transforms from the parent.
Parameter | Details |
Position | Toggle inheritance of the Position from the parent. |
Rotation | Toggle inheritance of the Rotation from the parent. |
Scale | Toggle inheritance of the Scale from the parent. |
World Position Only | Inherit the world position from the parent only, rotation and scale will be ignored. Overrides above properties. |
Inherit Time | Toggle inheritance of time from the parent. |
These properties control the core behaviours of the node.
Parameter | Details |
Alpha | Changes the alpha of the field. |
Brightness | Changes the brightness of the field. |
Visible | Control whether the node is visible or not to the scene. |
Sort Bias | Biases the alpha sort in order to make it render in front or behind other transparent objects. |
Velocity Alpha Scale | The amount the velocity of the field is scaled when it is used to modulate alpha. |
Blend Mode | How the render blends with the objects original material colours. See Blend Modes for details.
Use Field Alpha Channel | Use the field alpha channel when blending with the original surface. |
Velocity To Alpha | Toggle whether the velocity amount is used to modulate the alpha value, so areas of faster movement are more visible. |
Name | Description | Typical Input |
Affected Object Nodes | Limit the field to only affect a connected piece of geometry. With no object connected, the field will affect all surfaces within the field bounding box. | 3D Object |
Transform Modifiers | Apply the transforms of another node to this node. | Null |
Target Node | Modifiy the rotations of the node to always direct the z axis towards the input. | Null |
Local Transform Override | Apply the transforms of another node to this node, relative to its parent. | Null |