Notch Notch
Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
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Field Flame Material

Field Flame Material

Updated: 4 Dec 2023

A 3D field material suitable for fire / flames.

Method #

A 3D field material suitable for fire / flames. The field density is used to control absorption and scattering, and the temperature of the field is used via black body simulation to output an emissive colour. The temperature is also used to control the opacity of smoke and flames: temperatures below the Smoke Max Visible Temperature value are rendered as smoke, temperatures above the Flame Visible Temperature value are rendered as flame.

The smoke and flame shading can be controlled separately with this material to some extent. The smoke opacity is controlled with the Smoke Density parameter. The flame opacity is controlled via the Flame Density parameter.


These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Flame DensityScales the density/opacity of the flames.
Flame EmissivenessScales the emissive output.
Flame Visible Temperature (Kelvin)The temperature threshold above which cells are rendered as flames.
Override Temperature RangeIf enabled, the temperature min and max values are used. otherwise the values from the field 3d root are used.
Temperature Min (Kelvin)The minimum temperature of the field for black body simulation, in degrees kelvin.
Temperature Max (Kelvin)The maximum temperature of the field for black body simulation, in degrees kelvin.
Smoke DensityScales the density/opacity of the smoke.
Smoke Tint ColourTints the smoke.
Smoke Scatter ColourControls the ratio of scattering vs absorption per colour channel for the smoke.
Smoke ScatteringThe ratio of scattering vs absorption for the smoke.
Smoke Max Visible Temperature (Kelvin)The temperature threshold below which cells are rendered as smoke.