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Particle 3D Emitter

Particle 3D Emitter

Updated: 4 Dec 2023

This node emits a particle system into a 3D field.

Method #

This node emits a particle system into a 3D field.


Noise AmountThe amount of fractal noise to apply to the emitted density.
Noise ScaleThe scale of the fractal noise.
Noise ThresholdThe threshold to apply to the fractal noise.

These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Particle RadiusThe particle radius.
DensityThe amount of density to emit.
TemperatureThe amount of temperature to emit.
Velocity ScaleThe scale of the velocity to emit. velocities are generated from particle motion; a velocity scale of 1 emits the particle’s velocity as-is.
Emit OnceIf enabled, emit only once on the first frame the emitter is active. otherwise emit continuously.
ExplodeIf enabled, the emitted areas will have an initial explode velocity injected with the given parameters.
Explode VelocityThe explode velocity.
Explode Velocity Noise ScaleThe scale of the fractal noise used to generate the explode velocity.
Explode Velocity Noise ThresholdThe threshold to apply to the fractal noise used to generate the explode velocity.
Pyroclastic Displacement EnabledIf enabled, the emitted areas will have pyroclastic displacement applied, giving them a more turbulent, cloud-like shape.
Pyroclastic Displacement AmountThe amount of pyroclastic displacement.
Pyroclastic Noise ScaleThe scale of the fractal noise used to generate the pyroclastic displacement.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
Particle NodeUsed to connect the particle system used by the emitter.Particle Root