Notch Notch
Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
 Light | Dark


Updated: 22 Mar 2024

Method #

Emitter nodes generate the colour/ink that can be manipulated in a field system. Any Emitters need to be connected to a Field Root node, and they will only generate ink into that field system (unless modified appropriately).

Emitters constantly emit new ink into the field, and the ink already in the field decays over time based on the “Colour Fade” property in the Field Root. These need to be balanced to ensure that the field does not overflow with ink - e.g. by increasing the colour fade, by reducing the emitter amounts or by cropping the time bars of the emitters so they only emit at certain times.


Field - Field EmitterField - Field Emitter

Emits ink into a field from another input field.

Image EmitterImage Emitter

Emits ink into a field from an input image.

Mesh EmitterMesh Emitter

Emits ink into a field based on an input Mesh.

Particle 2D EmitterParticle 2D Emitter

Emits ink into a field from particles.

Particle 3D EmitterParticle 3D Emitter

This node emits a particle system into a 3D field.

Primitive EmitterPrimitive Emitter

Emits ink into a field using a primitive shape.

Procedural EmitterProcedural Emitter

Emits ink into a field from procedurals.


Generates a reaction-diffusion simulation for a field.