Points Affector
Method #
This node affects a field by applying positional vortex forces created around points from a particle system, or vertices of a 3D object. This can be used to make a particle system “move through” a field and appear to affect it.
The outputs from this node are just its transforms, useful for having multiple nodes follow the same motions without controlling each of their transforms individually.
These properties control the 3D transforms of the node. Transforms will generally be inherited by child nodes, although they can be ignored through the Inherit Transform Channels attributes.
Parameter Details
Position X Move along the local x-axis.
Position Y Move along the local y-axis.
Position Z Move along the local z-axis.
Rotation Heading Rotate around the local y-axis.
Rotation Pitch Rotate around the local x-axis.
Rotation Bank Rotate around the local z-axis.
Scale X Scale along the local x-axis.
Scale Y Scale along the local y-axis.
Scale Z Scale along the local z-axis.
Control the inheritance of the transforms from the parent.
Parameter Details
Position Toggle inheritance of the Position from the parent.
Rotation Toggle inheritance of the Rotation from the parent.
Scale Toggle inheritance of the Scale from the parent.
World Position Only Inherit the world position from the parent only, rotation and scale will be ignored. Overrides above properties.
Inherit Time Toggle inheritance of time from the parent.
These properties control the core behaviours of the node.
Parameter Details
Velocity Amount Scale the generated affector velocities.
Point Falloff Distance The inner falloff radius from each point. Outside of this radius, the effect will no longer apply.
Point Falloff Power The sharpness of the falloff from each point. Higher values generate a stronger falloff at the outer falloff distance.
Radius The outer radius for which the affector is active.
Randomness The randomness of the new velocities added to the simulation.
These properties control the 3D transforms of the node. Transforms will generally be inherited by child nodes, although they can be ignored through the Inherit Transform Channels attributes.
Parameter | Details |
Position X | Move along the local x-axis. |
Position Y | Move along the local y-axis. |
Position Z | Move along the local z-axis. |
Rotation Heading | Rotate around the local y-axis. |
Rotation Pitch | Rotate around the local x-axis. |
Rotation Bank | Rotate around the local z-axis. |
Scale X | Scale along the local x-axis. |
Scale Y | Scale along the local y-axis. |
Scale Z | Scale along the local z-axis. |
Control the inheritance of the transforms from the parent.
Parameter | Details |
Position | Toggle inheritance of the Position from the parent. |
Rotation | Toggle inheritance of the Rotation from the parent. |
Scale | Toggle inheritance of the Scale from the parent. |
World Position Only | Inherit the world position from the parent only, rotation and scale will be ignored. Overrides above properties. |
Inherit Time | Toggle inheritance of time from the parent. |
These properties control the core behaviours of the node.
Parameter | Details |
Velocity Amount | Scale the generated affector velocities. |
Point Falloff Distance | The inner falloff radius from each point. Outside of this radius, the effect will no longer apply. |
Point Falloff Power | The sharpness of the falloff from each point. Higher values generate a stronger falloff at the outer falloff distance. |
Radius | The outer radius for which the affector is active. |
Randomness | The randomness of the new velocities added to the simulation. |
Name | Description | Typical Input |
Point Source | The source of the point data. | Particle Root Node |
Mask Node | Mask out areas that particles cannot spawn. | Image Plane |
Affected Emitters | Choose which particle emitters can be affected by the affector. | Primitive Emitter |
Transform Modifiers | Apply the transforms of another node to this node. | Null |
Target Node | Modifiy the rotations of the node to always direct the z axis towards the input. | Null |
Local Transform Override | Apply the transforms of another node to this node, relative to its parent. | Null |