Notch Notch Manual 1.0
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Null To Weightmap

Null To Weightmap

This node converts a position to a weightmap.


Example .dfx

Method #

This deformer node uses the distances from a set of input Nulls, or a transform array, to generate per-vertex weight values which can be used by other nodes - particularly other deformers - as part of their processing.

Deformers such as the 3D Plasma Deformer have an input called “Generated Weightmap” which takes weightmap deformers as input; the per-vertex weight is then used to scale the deformation.


Subdivision OrderToggle whether the deformer is added before or after the object is subdivided.
Subdivision LevelThe subdivision level at which the deformer is applied. Subdivision Order must be set to After Subdivision to Function.
Vertex Source ModeHow vertexes are selected to be used by the deformer.
  • Vertex Positions : Vertexes are chosen based on their positions in the scene.
  • Chunks : Vertexes are chosen based on the enclosed section of the mesh they are used.
Per-Polygon WeightmapDetermines whether the weightmap should specify a value per-polygon or per-vertex.
Max RadiusThe falloff radius from each null.
GainScale the generated value.
OffsetOffset the generated value.
SharpnessRamps the sharpness of the generated value to a power.
Min ValueLimit the minimum value generated.
Max ValueLimit the maximum value generated.
InvertInvert the generated weightmap values.
Show WeightmapVisualise the weightmap as vertex colours on the source geometry.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
NullsThe geometry nulls used to define the weightmap.Null
Transform ModifiersApply the transforms of another node to this node.Null
Target NodeModifiy the rotations of the node to always direct the z axis towards the input.Null
Local Transform OverrideApply the transforms of another node to this node, relative to its parent.Null