Notch Notch Manual 1.0
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This node tessellates the geometry of the parent mesh.
Example .dfx

Method #

This node tessellates the geometry of the parent mesh. Multiple triangles and quads are generated from input polygons in a patch-like pattern somewhat similar to what is achieved using GPU hardware-based tessellation. This differs from the results achieved via subdivision, on the Object node or the Subdivision Deformer. Subdivision is iterative: it splits every edge in half, adding a centre vertex to each, and also adds a single centre vertex to each polygon; it must be run over multiple iterations to subdivide further. In contrast, the Tessellation Deformer can create multiple vertices for each edge and then adds multiple polygons in between as needed.

Note: the Tessellate deformer only works on triangles and quads. A lot of geometry can be generated using this deformer: use with care.


Tessellation AmountThe number of vertices to be created per edge. must be between 0 and 16.
Subdivision OrderToggle whether the deformer is added before or after the object is subdivided.
Subdivision LevelThe subdivision level at which the deformer is applied. Subdivision Order must be set to After Subdivision to Function.