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VR 360 Camera

VR 360 Camera

Updated: 4 Dec 2023

Places a camera which captures a 360 projection of the scene around it.

Method #

VR 360 Camera enables every direction of view to be rendered at the same time in a spherically mapped manner, allowing the creation of VR 360 Videos for use with a wide range of viewers.

Stereoscopic 360 videos can also be generated, which utilise two spherical views (one for each eye) placed on top of each other, which is the common convention for stereoscopic 360 players.

To learn more about 360 Video, check out the following resources:

Not all Post-FX nodes are currently compatible with the VR 360 Camera. Development is continuing to bring compatibility for all relevant effects. If your immediate project needs a specific effect supported, please contact us directly.
This camera has an internal resolution set by the Cube face resolution property, aka, the resolution per face of the cube map. Higher resolutions will increase the render quality, but will only be noticeable when rendering at high resolutions, so dial in this value as soon as an output resolution is decided.
Cube Map resolutions higher than 4096 are not supported, as that will break the 16k GPU hardware limit set by DirectX. It’ll also be extremely heavy to process, so you will need a powerful GPU to process that high resolution.

Nodes parented to this node will generally follow the standard parent-child relationship with nodes in Notch, with a couple exceptions:

  • Most Post-FX nodes will only run when viewed through a camera when connected to the camera.
  • The Camera Focus Target controls the focus position and attributes or the camera.


These properties control the 3D transforms of the node. Transforms will generally be inherited by child nodes, although they can be ignored through the Inherit Transform Channels attributes.

Position XThe objects position along the local x-axis.
Position YThe objects position along the local y-axis.
Position ZThe objects position along the local z-axis.
Rotation HeadingThe objects rotation around the local y-axis.
Rotation PitchThe objects rotation around the local x-axis.
Rotation BankThe objects rotation around the local z-axis.
Scale XThe objects scale along the local x-axis.
Scale YThe objects scale along the local y-axis.
Scale ZThe objects scale along the local z-axis.

Control the inheritance of the transforms from the parent.

PositionToggle inheritance of the Position from the parent.
RotationToggle inheritance of the Rotation from the parent.
ScaleToggle inheritance of the Scale from the parent.
World Position OnlyInherit the world position from the parent only, rotation and scale will be ignored. Overrides above properties.
Inherit TimeToggle inheritance of time from the parent.

These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Projection ModeSelect which kind of camera projection to use.
  • 360 (Equirectangular) : The scene projected into a flat image using equirectangular projection.
  • 180 (Fisheye) : The scene is re-projected into a flat image using fisheye projection.
  • Cube 6x1 : The scene is broken up based on its cubemaps and renderered into a straight line.
  • Cube 3x2 : The scene is broken up based on its cubemaps and renderered 3x2 orientation.
  • Cube 2x3 : The scene is broken up based on its cubemaps and renderered 2x3 orientation.
  • 180 (Warped) : The is re-projected into a flat image using warped version of fisheye projection.
  • Camera Object (Positions) : Use an input objects mesh as a reference for how to layout the cubemap faces.
  • Camera Object (UVs) : Use an input objects uvs as a reference for how to layout the cubemap faces.
  • Inverse Equirectangular : The scene projected into a flat image using an inverse equirectangular projection. This mode requires a renderer node with raytracing support to function (i.e., any renderer except the Standard Renderer).
Interoccular DistanceThe distance between each eye (in metres) when rendering stereoscopic
Convergence DistanceThe point in the distance where the direction/beam of the two eyes meet
Max Near SeparationThe maximum distance of the near separation
VR180 Mask AngleChanges the mask angle when in Warped mode
VR180 Warp AmountChanges the warp amount when in Warped mode
VR180 ZoomChanges the zoom amount
Object U ScaleScales the mesh UVs horizontally
Object V ScaleScales the mesh UVs on the vertically
StereoscopicToggles on and off Stereoscopic mode
Stereo LayoutToggles the layout between Top / Bottom and Side by side
  • Top / Bottom : Render the stereoscopic imges one above the other.
  • Side by Side : Render the stereoscopic imges side by side.
Near ClipThe closest distance that will be rendered. WARNING: Reducing this value too low can reduce the accuracy of aspects of the render.
Far ClipThe furthest distance that will be rendered by this camera. WARNING: Increasing this value too high, without increasing the Near Clip can reduce the accuracy of aspects of the renderer. Generally best left untouched.
Camera PriorityChange the priority of the camera. If two or more cameras have the same priority, the highest camera node in the nodegraph heirarchy is used.
Cube Face ResolutionThe resolution of each face of the multiview cube being rendered to enable 360 rendering (higher is better)
Invert XFlip each render view horizontally
Invert YFlip each render view vertically

Control the Depth Of Field properties on the camera. Depth OF FIeld must be enabled on a Renderer Node to function.

Focus ModeControl how the camera chooses its focus method. Adding a focus target as a child to the camera overwrites this property.
Focal Plane DistanceThe distance from the camera that is sharp, when utilising Depth of Field. Requires a Depth of Field Post-FX node to be used.
Focal BlurinessHow blurry the focal point is. Requires a Depth of Field Post-FX node to be used.
Focus Adaption RateControls how quickly the focus plane adapts to the new distance in auto mode.
Bokeh Shapecontrol the shape used for generating a bokeh shapes in the depth of field
BladesIf in polygon mode, set the number of blades used to generate the polygon.
Blade RotationIf in Polygon mode, Rotate the polygon shape.
Bokeh ImageSelect an image to use in Image mode.
Use Separate Near/Far RangesWhen enabled, the new and far distance offsets are controlled seperately.
Focal RangeThe range around the focal plane that is sharp. Requires a Depth of Field Post-FX node to be used.
Near DOF RangeControl the near range for the depth of field.
Far DOF RangeControl the near range for the depth of field.
Use In Focus AreaWhen enabled, control a range within the depth of field which isn’t affected by the blur.
In Focus AreaControl the range for the in focus area.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
Included ObjectsSelect nodes will be included in the final rendering from this camera. Once a node is connected, all unconnected nodes will be treated as excluded.3D Object
Excluded ObjectsSelect objects to be ignored by this camera. These objects will not be rendered, but will otherwise be generated and impact performance. Once a node is connected, all unconnected nodes will be treated as included.3D Object
Transform ModifiersApply the transforms of another node to this node.Null
Target NodeModifiy the rotations of the node to always direct the z axis towards the input.Null
Local Transform OverrideApply the transforms of another node to this node, relative to its parent.Null

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