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Multi Camera

Multi Camera

Updated: 4 Dec 2023

Places a node which combines multiple cameras views together into a single render.

Method #

The Multi Camera node enables multiple camera views to be rendered simultaneously, for example for output to a single media server canvas. Multiple cameras are passed in via the Camera Nodes input and combined into the main canvas with the views arranged horizontally. The order in which cameras are selected is decided by their position in the node graph. Connected cameras do not need to be connected to the root to be used.

Any connected cameras with post-fx applied to them will no longer have the post-fx applied when viewed through the multi camera. For this, you should look at the Render To Texture node and image 2D.

All nodes connected to this node are treated as if flowing to the parent node, and inherits any transformation changes along the chain.


These properties control the 3D transforms of the node. Transforms will generally be inherited by child nodes, although they can be ignored through the Inherit Transform Channels attributes.

Position XThe objects position along the local x-axis.
Position YThe objects position along the local y-axis.
Position ZThe objects position along the local z-axis.
Rotation HeadingThe objects rotation around the local y-axis.
Rotation PitchThe objects rotation around the local x-axis.
Rotation BankThe objects rotation around the local z-axis.
Scale XThe objects scale along the local x-axis.
Scale YThe objects scale along the local y-axis.
Scale ZThe objects scale along the local z-axis.

Control the inheritance of the transforms from the parent.

PositionToggle inheritance of the Position from the parent.
RotationToggle inheritance of the Rotation from the parent.
ScaleToggle inheritance of the Scale from the parent.
World Position OnlyInherit the world position from the parent only, rotation and scale will be ignored. Overrides above properties.
Inherit TimeToggle inheritance of time from the parent.

These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Resolution XThe pixel resolution of each camera horizontally. When set to 0, the scene resolution is used.
Resolution YThe pixel resolution of each camera vertically. When set to 0, the scene resolution is used.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
Camera NodesThe cameras which will be displayed in the multi camera display.Camera
Included ObjectsSelect nodes will be included in the final rendering from this camera. Once a node is connected, all unconnected nodes will be treated as excluded.3D Object
Excluded ObjectsSelect objects to be ignored by this camera. These objects will not be rendered, but will otherwise be generated and impact performance. Once a node is connected, all unconnected nodes will be treated as included.3D Object
Transform ModifiersApply the transforms of another node to this node.Null
Target NodeModifiy the rotations of the node to always direct the z axis towards the input.Null
Local Transform OverrideApply the transforms of another node to this node, relative to its parent.Null