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Revolve Spline

Revolve Spline

Updated: 3 Feb 2025

Revolve a spline to form a mesh

Method #

This node generates a mesh from an input spline curve, by following the path the spline would draw when rotated around a central axis. Useful for making Vases, Bowls, and other objects which are rotationally symmetrical.

A mesh can be used as input if it has the Object To Lines/Splines deformer. The Duplicate Spline deformer can also be used to easily draw multiple splines.

This node outputs the normal transformation and translation values, but it also outputs geometry which can be modified with Deformer nodes, or used as a mesh sources for nodes which accept mesh connections, such as the Field 3D Object Emitter or the Procedural 3D Object.


These properties control the 3D transforms of the node. Transforms will generally be inherited by child nodes, although they can be ignored through the Inherit Transform Channels attributes.

Position XThe objects position along the local x-axis.
Position YThe objects position along the local y-axis.
Position ZThe objects position along the local z-axis.
Rotation HeadingThe objects rotation around the local y-axis.
Rotation PitchThe objects rotation around the local x-axis.
Rotation BankThe objects rotation around the local z-axis.
Scale XThe objects scale along the local x-axis.
Scale YThe objects scale along the local y-axis.
Scale ZThe objects scale along the local z-axis.

Control the inheritance of the transforms from the parent.

PositionToggle inheritance of the Position from the parent.
RotationToggle inheritance of the Rotation from the parent.
ScaleToggle inheritance of the Scale from the parent.
World Position OnlyInherit the world position from the parent only, rotation and scale will be ignored. Overrides above properties.
Inherit TimeToggle inheritance of time from the parent.

These properties control the pivot position the object, the point at which the transforms will be applied around.

Pivot ModeControl where the pivot point is generated for the object.
Pivot Point SelectionIn custom mode, filter the points shown on the bounding box for placing the pivot.
Pivot Position XIn custom mode, directly edit the x position of the pivot.
Pivot Position YIn custom mode, directly edit the y position of the pivot.
Pivot Position ZIn custom mode, directly edit the z position of the pivot.
Dynamic UpdateControl whether the changes to the pivot dynamically update the object.

These properties control the core behaviours of the node.

Isolate In ViewportWhen enabled, all other objects in the scene will be hidden and only this node will be rendered.
Num Spline SegmentsHow many subdivisiones are added along the spline length before being revolved. Higher values can improve the smoothness of the curve, but increase the geometry count significantly and therefore can impact performance.
Spline Time MinThe start point of the revolved surface along the length of the spline, by a value normalised by the splines length.
Spline Time MaxThe end point of the revolved surface along the length of the spline, by a value normalised by the splines length.
Spline Time OffsetOffset the generated surface before revolution, by a value normalised by the splines length. When used with the Spline Time Min and Spline Time Max, can form a slice which moves along the spline.
Num Radial SegmentsHow many subdivisiones are added around the revolution axis. Higher values can improve the smoothness of the surface, but increase the geometry count significantly and therefore can impact performance.
Enable ThicknessWhen enabled, extrudes the surface along its vertex normals, allowing for a bit of thickness across the revolved surface.
ThicknessHow thick the surface extrusion should be. Only available when Enable Thickness has been enabled.
Use Spline ColoursWhen enabled, the extruded spline will apply the spline colours from the source spline to the revolved geometries vertex colours.

These properties control how the geometry is rendered into the scene.

VisibleControl whether the node is visible or not to the scene.
Seen By RaysAllow the mesh to be seen by the raytracer. When set to 0, the mesh will still render in camera but will be ignored by any raytracing nodes.
Per Object Composite AlphaOverwrites the alpha channel beneath the object, giving simple effect of transparency. Best used when the mesh won’t overlap with other objects, as other meshes will not be seen through the mesh.

These properties add options for drawing all the edges of the mesh as lines. Useful for rendering wireframe effects.

Lines VisibleControl whether lines are rendered to the scene from the geometry.
Lines AlphaChange the alpha transparency value of the lines, making them appear see-through.
ColourChange the colour value of the lines.
Use Vertex ColoursColour lines based on the vertex colours of the geometry.
Thick LinesAllow the lines to rendered with thickness, for line effects which can be accurately anti-aliased.
Hide Back Face LinesHide the lines generated from polygon faces facing away from the camera, where only the back faces of geometry can be seen.
Lock WidthLock the line width to be a consistent width regardless of distance from the camera. Only functions with Thick Lines enabled.
Thick Line WidthControl the thickness of all the lines. Only functions with Thick Lines enabled.
Show Silhouette LinesDraws lines along the edges of the object relative to the camera.
Show Normal Difference LinesDraw a line along the edges of the mesh, depending on the angle difference between their mutual faces.
Show Unshared LinesDraw lines along all edges of the shape.
Show Other LinesShow all the lines for each edge of the mesh.
Unshared Lines WeightControl the strength of the unshared lines.
Silhouette Lines WeightControl the strength of the silhouette lines.
Normal Difference Lines WeightControl the strength of the lines generated along the normal angles.
Other Lines WeightControl the strength of the lines for each edge in the mesh.
Line Normal Difference AngleChange the threshold angle between two face normals that will generate a line along their common edge. Only functions with Show Normal Lines enabled.
Line Normal Fade SharpnessHow much the drawn normal lines will fade away the closer the edge angle is to the Line Normal Difference Angle.
Line Depth BiasExaggerate the width of the lines based on the distance to the camera. not functional with Lock Width enabled.
Line Silhouette Fade SharpnessHow much the drawn silhouette lines will fade away based on the size of the edge angle to the camera.

Preview the objects material in the viewport.

These properties control how the surface of the generated mesh reacts to light in the scene. See Materials for a breakdown of all these properties individually.


NameDescriptionTypical Input
Spline SourcesTBCTBC
Displace ImagesTBCTBC
Transform ModifiersTBCTBC
Target NodeTBCTBC
Local Transform OverrideTBCTBC
Position XTBCTBC
Position YTBCTBC
Position ZTBCTBC
Rotation HeadingTBCTBC
Rotation PitchTBCTBC
Rotation BankTBCTBC
Get World Position XTBCTBC
Get World Position YTBCTBC
Get World Position ZTBCTBC
Seen By RaysTBCTBC
Spline Time MinTBCTBC
Spline Time MaxTBCTBC
Spline Time OffsetTBCTBC
Per Object Composite AlphaTBCTBC
Displace Image 1 CenterTBCTBC
Displac Image 1 AmountTBCTBC
Displace Image 1 BiasTBCTBC
Displace Image 2 CenterTBCTBC
Displace Image 2 AmountTBCTBC
Displac Image 2 BiasTBCTBC
Displace Image 3 CenterTBCTBC
Displace Image 3 AmountTBCTBC
Displace Image 3 BiasTBCTBC
Lines VisibleTBCTBC
Lines AlphaTBCTBC
Lines ColourTBCTBC
Thick Line WidthTBCTBC
Line Normal Difference AngleTBCTBC
Line Normal Fade SharpnessTBCTBC
Line Depth BiasTBCTBC
Unshared Lines WeightTBCTBC
Silhouette Lines WeightTBCTBC
Normal Difference Lines WeightTBCTBC
Other Lines WeightTBCTBC
Line Silhouette Fade SharpnessTBCTBC
Specular Colour RTBCTBC
Specular Colour GTBCTBC
Specular Colour BTBCTBC
Specular Colour ATBCTBC
Specular ColourTBCTBC
Rim Lighting Colour RTBCTBC
Rim Lighting Colour GTBCTBC
Rim Lighting Colour BTBCTBC
Rim Lighting Colour ATBCTBC
Rim Lighting ColourTBCTBC
Absorption Colour RTBCTBC
Absorption Colour GTBCTBC
Absorption Colour BTBCTBC
Absorption Colour ATBCTBC
Absorption ColourTBCTBC
Shadow Catcher Colour RTBCTBC
Shadow Catcher Colour GTBCTBC
Shadow Catcher Colour BTBCTBC
Shadow Catcher Colour ATBCTBC
Shadow Catcher ColourTBCTBC
Diffuse Coat RTBCTBC
Diffuse Coat GTBCTBC
Diffuse Coat BTBCTBC
Diffuse Coat ATBCTBC
Diffuse CoatTBCTBC
Specular IntensityTBCTBC
Specular FalloffTBCTBC
Specular AnisotropyTBCTBC
Diffuse FresnelTBCTBC
Emissive ScatteringTBCTBC
Baked Diffuse IntensityTBCTBC
Alpha Sort BiasTBCTBC
Normal Map IntensityTBCTBC
Normal SmoothnessTBCTBC
Smoothing AngleTBCTBC
Motion Blur Velocity ScaleTBCTBC
Displacement OffsetTBCTBC
Rim Lighting IntensityTBCTBC
Rim Lighting FalloffTBCTBC
Subsurface Scatter RadiusTBCTBC
Subsurface WeightTBCTBC
Shadow Catcher BlendTBCTBC
Parallax AmountTBCTBC
Diffuse UV Scale XTBCTBC
Diffuse UV Scale YTBCTBC
Diffuse UV Offset XTBCTBC
Diffuse UV Offset YTBCTBC
Texture Mip BiasTBCTBC
Refraction IORTBCTBC
Transparent DiffuseTBCTBC
Toon Diffuse LevelsTBCTBC
Toon Specular LevelsTBCTBC
Toon Diffuse GradientTBCTBC
Toon Specular GradientTBCTBC