Face Tracking Mesh
Updated: 24 Jan 2025
Generate a mesh from face tracking data.Updated: 24 Jan 2025
Generate a mesh from face tracking data.This node generates a mesh using the predefined structure of the geometry generated by the Face Tracker node: 68 vertices linked as triangles with texture coordinates. It takes as input a Face Tracker node, which is required for the node to render anything. When a Face Tracker node is linked the geometry is updated automatically each frame as long as the tracker has found and tracked a face.
The Face Tracking Geometry node allows the geometry produced by the face tracker to be rendered in different ways or multiple times easily with low overhead: the face tracking process is only done once using the Face Tracker. The Face Tracking Geometry node can also be used as input to other nodes which use geometry as part of processing, such as Particle Mesh Emitter, Mesh Cloner, Combine Geometry.
For more information on face tracking see the Face Tracker node.
This node outputs the normal transformation and translation values, but it also outputs geometry which can be modified with Deformer nodes, or used as a mesh sources for nodes which accept mesh connections, such as the Field Mesh Emitter or the Procedural Mesh.
These properties control the 3D transforms of the node. Transforms will generally be inherited by child nodes, although they can be ignored through the Inherit Transform Channels attributes.
Parameter | Details |
Position X | The objects position along the local x-axis. |
Position Y | The objects position along the local y-axis. |
Position Z | The objects position along the local z-axis. |
Rotation Heading | The objects rotation around the local y-axis. |
Rotation Pitch | The objects rotation around the local x-axis. |
Rotation Bank | The objects rotation around the local z-axis. |
Scale X | The objects scale along the local x-axis. |
Scale Y | The objects scale along the local y-axis. |
Scale Z | The objects scale along the local z-axis. |
Control the inheritance of the transforms from the parent.
Parameter | Details |
Position | Toggle inheritance of the Position from the parent. |
Rotation | Toggle inheritance of the Rotation from the parent. |
Scale | Toggle inheritance of the Scale from the parent. |
World Position Only | Inherit the world position from the parent only, rotation and scale will be ignored. Overrides above properties. |
Inherit Time | Toggle inheritance of time from the parent. |
These properties control how the geometry is rendered into the scene.
Parameter | Details |
Show Polygons | Show the polygons of the mesh. |
Mesh Type | Select which mesh type to use.
Use Mesh Orientation | Rotate the mesh to match the rotation of the face from the face tracker. only functions with the NVIDIA Face Tracking Mesh type. |
Visible | Control whether the node is visible or not to the scene. |
These properties add options for drawing all the edges of the mesh as lines. Useful for rendering wireframe effects.
Parameter | Details |
Lines Visible | Control whether lines are rendered to the scene from the geometry. |
Lines Alpha | Change the alpha transparency value of the lines, making them appear see-through. |
Colour | Change the colour value of the lines. |
Use Vertex Colours | Colour lines based on the vertex colours of the geometry. |
Blend Mode | How the object lines blends with the rest of the content in a 3d scene. See Blend Modes for details.
Thick Lines | Allow the lines to rendered with thickness, for line effects which can be accurately anti-aliased. |
Hide Back Face Lines | Hide the lines generated from polygon faces facing away from the camera, where only the back faces of geometry can be seen. |
Lock Width | Lock the line width to be a consistent width regardless of distance from the camera. Only functions with Thick Lines enabled. |
Thick Line Width | Control the thickness of all the lines. Only functions with Thick Lines enabled. |
Show Silhouette Lines | Draws lines along the edges of the object relative to the camera. |
Show Normal Difference Lines | Draw a line along the edges of the mesh, depending on the angle difference between their mutual faces. |
Show Unshared Lines | Draw lines along all edges of the shape. |
Show Other Lines | Show all the lines for each edge of the mesh. |
Unshared Lines Weight | Control the strength of the unshared lines. |
Silhouette Lines Weight | Control the strength of the silhouette lines. |
Normal Difference Lines Weight | Control the strength of the lines generated along the normal angles. |
Other Lines Weight | Control the strength of the lines for each edge in the mesh. |
Line Normal Difference Angle | Change the threshold angle between two face normals that will generate a line along their common edge. Only functions with Show Normal Lines enabled. |
Line Normal Fade Sharpness | How much the drawn normal lines will fade away the closer the edge angle is to the Line Normal Difference Angle. |
Line Depth Bias | Exaggerate the width of the lines based on the distance to the camera. not functional with Lock Width enabled. |
Line Silhouette Fade Sharpness | How much the drawn silhouette lines will fade away based on the size of the edge angle to the camera. |
These properties control how the surface of the generated mesh reacts to light in the scene. See Materials for a breakdown of all these properties individually.
Name | Description | Typical Input |
Face Tracker Source | Input a node with facial tracking data to drive the effect. | Face Tracker |
Material | Override the default material with a material node. | Materials |
Transform Modifiers | Apply the transforms of another node to this node. | Null |
Target Node | Modifiy the rotations of the node to always direct the z axis towards the input. | Null |
Local Transform Override | Apply the transforms of another node to this node, relative to its parent. | Null |