Notch Notch
Manual 1.0 Manual 0.9.23
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Updated: 4 Dec 2023

What is NDI? #

NDI is an IP video streaming protocol developed by NewTek.

Notch accepts NDI sources into the nodegraph via the Video NDI Source node.

Receiving an NDI stream #

To test/experiment with NDI we recommend utilising the NewTek NDI Tools pack to test your NDI configuration.
  1. Create an NDI source on the network. (You can use ‘NewTek NDI Test Patterns’ tool to create a test source).
  2. In Notch, browse the current NDI sources by going to:
    1. Devices -> VideoIN/Camera/Kinect…
    2. Go to the NDI panel and click ‘Refresh Sources’ and you will now see your video sources. ndisource
  3. Add an Video NDI Source node to your scene.
    1. Select the NDI Source (dropdown) property or set it manually with the NDI Source Name & NDI Source IP properties.
  4. Connect your Video NDI Source node to it’s destination, e.g. Image 2D. ndinodes
  5. Play the scene and you will see the incoming video.
To refresh the NDI Source list in the Video NDI Source node, open the Video IN/Camera/Kinect… dialog and click ‘Refresh Sources’ in the NDI panel.
Please note, NDI audio is not currently supported.

Using NDI in Standalone applications #

When using NDI input/output with a standalone application, you may need to copy the following DLL to the same directory as your exported .exe file:

C:\Program Files\Notch\Processing.NDI.Lib.x64.dll

Using NDI in the disguise media server #

NDI cannot be passed directly to a Notch block using the Video NDI Source node when running inside of disguise. To use NDI in a Notch block running in disguise, the recommended method is to run NDI directly to disguise and pass the feed onwards into the Notch block using exposed parameters.