Notch Notch Manual 1.0
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The Shading nodes have been significantly reworked to provide greater flexibility and power. By allowing them to be connected to individual channels of a material and combined together into longer chains, the new system offers more control over the appearance of materials.

The Workflow #

Shading nodes now use the chain workflow, where some nodes generate a pattern or shape to use with shading, and other nodes can be used to modulate or combine shading nodes.

Shading Example

Shading nodes can also be applied to Field Emitters, to override the density, temperature, fuel, colour, and velocities generated from the emitter into the field. This can allow you to craft incredibly complex simulations with only a few nodes put together.

The New Shading Nodes #

  • Bricks / Tiles, Generates an infinite bricks pattern.
  • Cells, Generates a cellular pattern.
  • Combine, Combine two shading nodes together.
  • Channel Boolean, Swap around the RGBA channels of a shading system.
  • Colour Correction, Adjusts the colours in a shading system.
  • Cells, Generates a cellular pattern.
  • Distance, Generates a value based on the distance to its origin.
  • Environment Image Sampler, Samples an environment image to generate shading.
  • Facing, Generates shading based on how much the surface is facing a specified direction.
  • Generate Normals, Converts a shading setup into data suitable for normals.
  • Generate UVs, Generates shading data based on uv coordinates.
  • Gradient Recolour, Re-map the shading using a coloured gradient.
  • Input Channel Sampler, Generate shading from channels sourced from the object being applied to.
  • Tint, tint the colour of the shading.
  • Uniform Colour, Generates a pure colour to be used for shading.
  • Warp, Distorts an existing shading node.